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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

postheadericon Beach Party! - 29th August!

Hey guys!

What's up, Kai here! Just here to say Ashely is hosting a beach party today at 8:30PM Cho time!

Check it out:

Awesome right!?!

Have fun Chobots! See you there!

Kaicooper :)(:
Thursday, August 23, 2012

postheadericon Cho Interviews #2 - w/ Muttski

ComeBacKiid here with yet another week of - Cho Interviews!

This week, I interviewed Muttski.

What is your favorite item on Chobots?
It’s got to be the Moderator flame boots from

Do you have a favorite staff member? If so, who? Why?
I get along with ALL of the staff. However I  really do take a favor with Koiz and Tikitiki. My reason being: Both of them are really friendly and talkative, but some of the others just stand around

Why did you decide to do Cholympics?
Because I thought Chobots need to get out of cafe street and do active stuff like play hangman, and have fun. I also thought that because Albert said "Rewards to people that get all Chobots out of cafe street".  I decided I might try something, so I got to work and ended up moving about 150 Chobots from one server to another.

If you could be any part of staff, what part would you be?
Definitely part of the moderation team. I have so much experience and I’m very committed to things like that. I may be dyslexic but I still have a chance.

What item would you like to see in the shop?
Probably the most difficult question, but… DEFINATELY A CHOLYMPIC T-SHIRT saying: Hosted by Muttski on the back o;

That's all for now,
Thursday, August 16, 2012

postheadericon Cho Interviews #1 - w/ ToastyTm

Hey Guys!

It's me - ComeBacKiid!

I am a new agent, and a new worker here on this blog.
I won't be posting about updates, though! I have made a new series called...

Cho Interviews!

Every Thursday, I will ask one lucky chobot 5 questions about the game of Chobots! For week 1, ToastyTim was selected. Here is what he had to say.

Who is your favorite staff member and why?

I like all of our amazing staff members, but lately, I've been enjoying how Albert has taken charge. The game has gotten better since we've been under his reign!

What is your favorite item on

I would have to say my spiky hair! I love it so much, it matches every outfit I have! Out of all of my costumes I love my gold guy suit the most though!

What’s your favorite game on Chobots?  
Robo-Factory if I'm by myself and Garbage collector with my friends!

What’s your favorite part about Chobots?
The people who play it! I've grown so close to all of these people! They aren’t my friends… they’re my family!

What is your “dream” item? In other words, what item would you like to see in the shop?
 A shirt with my face on the front and a piece of toast on the back! ;) Everyone would be wearing it!

Thank you to ToastyTim for donating his time for this interview!

That's all for now,


postheadericon New Author and Muttski's Fashion Show Fabbaganza

Hello Chobots, Itunez here.

This blog has been quite inactive for a while but we have decided to re-open it. So Hai xD
Anyway, I'm Itunez and I will be a new author here as I'm a new agent :D Congratulations also to Twinklefairyx, Program, Amoona, Michael and Comebackiid on recieving agency status, You sure all deserved it :D

Anywho, Earlier today Muttski held a fashion show at his house again :D If was pretty tough and you all had some great outfits but here were the results at the end-

1st Itunez
2nd Queorp
3rd Koiz
4th Austin1
5th marriowarrior
6th michael
7th sweetiex3
8th Comebackiid
9th Smartiera
10th Novokid
11th Sweetneetu
12th Master720
13th Dizzy
14th fantafan
15th brax

You all did great, congratulations.

That is all for now, don't forget to follow the blog and leave a comment on what you thought of the Fashion Show :D I sure had fun.

Over and Out, Itunez.

postheadericon Introducing... "Video of the Week!"

Hey guys!

What's up, Kai here!

Today I am introducing a new topic here on the Agents Blog called "Video of the Week"!!! This event will be placed every Thursday!

Picture made by me, Kaicooper 

I have been searching for a bit today, looking for a video that is very epic! I found one that Blik3 made!

Here it is:


Haha, You got this stuck in my friend Blik! Well done buddy!

Good work on the video!

Your video COULD be next! Upload one to Youtube, Tinypic or any other video sharing site, and comment a link here! (I may look for one on Youtube every now and then to find an amazing video as well, but yours might be the next week instead! So comment away!)

If you want you can make a new one! It can be any videos from the past, from .com OR from .net! You can make new videos right now, It can be something to advertise Chobots Citizenship (As the contest states on the blog ending in 2 days, so don't miss that!)

Featured Video so far:

  • Blik3

Good luck! 

Thank you for reading! 

Kaicooper :)(:

postheadericon Welcome Back

Hey guys!

What's up, Kai here,

This blog has been inactive for a long time now! But, All the agents have decided to re-open this blog!

Awesome Right!?!

Expect more posts here!

Welcome to the 6 New Agents as well!

  • Michael
  • TwinkleFairyX
  • ComeBacKiid
  • Program
  • iTunez
  • Amoona
Congratulations to all of you!


Kaicooper :)(:

postheadericon New Author - Michael!

Hello Cho's!
 I am Michael Tomlinson from, my username is Michael. As I assume you would have gathered by the title, I am the newest author of this blog! I hope to bring great features to this blog such as news, contests and more! I was made an agent by Albert yesterday although I was not in the poll, you can confirm this with Albert if for some reason you are unsure or just don't believe me.

Quest tracker


The Agent's Blog is a Chobots Blog that is written by Agents.

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