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Saturday, January 21, 2012

postheadericon Artists! Show Your Skills On Your New Wall!

Hey guys!
Today the chobots team moved chobots to build 28, with an update!
Artists! If you have a paintbrush, go to rope street!

You will see a new teleport, that looks like a normal teleport for the underground, BUT
It will take you to this new underground.

Only people who got paintbrushes can draw on that wall.  
And, when you click on the eye to draw, the color of the graphity can is different!

  • Zomcho's chonews jornal is updated - The text in the middle is changed to 'Coming Soon'
  • Snowland is gone...
  • There is a competition board added to the cafe near the Coins rain game.
  • Agents can now clear walls.

Thats all for now.
Maybe we will find more updates soon.. :o


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The Agent's Blog is a Chobots Blog that is written by Agents.

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