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Friday, October 26, 2012

postheadericon I like, I dislike, It's OK - New Agent Blog Widget!

Hey guys,

What's up, Kai here!

Today I have spent about two hours working on this! Yes! TWO HOURS!

Here is a Widget I've made so you can vote if you like this Blog, Dislike this Blog, Or think It's just OK!

Click this Picture, to go vote!

How to use:

  1. Click the Picture to go to the Website.
  2. Click either I like this Blog, This Blog is OK or I'm not a fan/dislike.
  3. You will be re-directed in a new tab to a website. It will say "Thank's for Voting!"
  4. Write down your Chobots Name where it says "Chobots Name"
  5. If their's anything you want this blog to improve on, write in the box.
  6. Write the code.
  7. Send Email.
  8. If there are any errors, please contact and I will try to reply A.S.A.P.
One error I have noticed is the "Send Email" button isn't working. I am currently fixing this, So It should be fine by tomorrow. Until I have fixed this, Please feel free to comment your Chobots Name, What you rated and What this blog can Improve on.

Thanks! Have a great day! I hope you like it!

Kaicooper :)(:


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The Agent's Blog is a Chobots Blog that is written by Agents.

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